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Food Services
The Good Samaritan Food Pantry provides area families with a place to come when times are tough to collect food for their hungry family. The pantry is stocked with a large assortment of food items, including meats, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Our non-profit status allows us to purchase the majority of our food items at a large discount from our local Manna food bank. We enjoy donations of fruits and vegetables from our local growers. We are currently feeding over 2000 people each month!

Emergency Services
The phone rings off the hook at the Good Samaritan. Senior citizens without heat, young moms with an electric shut-off, disabled folks being evicted, people desperately looking for emergency help with emergency situations come to us. It is a blessing to have the ability to help families stay warm, stay in their homes, or solve an emergency situation. Oftentimes we work with other partnering agencies to be able to provide the necessary assistance. We also are able to act as a source for referrals to agencies better suited for specific needs.

Referral Services
There are times when our clients may come in looking for assistance that we cannot provide. Luckily, more times than not we know know where to direct him/her for assistance. Our referral program has become an important part of the services we provide. Sometimes our clients simply need to be pointed in the right direction, whether it be for help with items like medical issues or employment opportunities. We have made many connections with other non-profit organizations in the area that provide support often needed.

Sammy's Shoes
A few years ago we saw a need for good shoes for area students. We had moms coming in to find shoes for their young ones and buying shoes that were “close enough” in size, we’ve seen the shoes on kids that were duck taped together, and heard the desperation. So we began Sammy’s Shoes, a shoe store in our resale shop stocked with new shoes in sizes from preschool size 8 all the day to big guys size 13. The shoes are for students that are on some kind of assistance, including free and reduced lunch. The shoes are free for kids, but we are happy to take donations!
If you find yourself needing some help please contact us.
PHONE: (231) 588-2208
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